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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday, 26 February 2012

... in which I can do better

This blog post is dedicated to Leigh, who rightfully pointed out that my last post wasn't good enough!

So here comes a better one...

I've been in my new job for 3 weeks now and I'm really enjoying it. Working with/for my dad isn't quite what I expected it to be, but it's great in a way I didn't expect :) aside from the journey to and from work it is beating my old job hands down. I miss my old department an insane amount, but having a new, lovely little team is helping with that a little.

I'm disappointed that I haven't spotted any famous people yet, but I'm holding my breath for Gary Barlow.

The end of police training is drawing nearer and nearer which is starting to both scare and excite me. At the half way point I was doubting my abilities and spent a whole evening debating with myself about whether to pack it in. However since then I've completely smashed 3 assessments and am feeling much more confident about it. I can't wait to get out there!

My concentration is starting to wane now because I write this from the end of my bed, and Sierra and Oscar are currently wrestling each other on the bed with great vigour. It's not easy to blog when you keep being kicked my cats. I don't even think they qualify as kittens anymore... they've had their 1st birthday and they're huge, heavy little brutes. I'm glad they've kept their soppy, daft personalities though :)

I hope this post was up to scratch! I'l be back with more in the near future...

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

... in which there is change

I finished working at school on Friday, and began my new job yesterday. I'm enjoying it so far, but am exhausted already. My journey home used to take me roughly 20 minutes and I'd be home by 4pm. It now takes me an hour and I'm home at around 8pm.

Having said that though, there's a lot to be said for having a job that doesn't make you want to scream into a pillow.

A more coherent blog will follow soon. Pinky promise!!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

...in which I edge closer to 30

Well, here I am. My first blog as a 25 year old.

My birthday was spent at work, and then at compulsory after work training, blerg. But my evening was lovely :) it involved Chinese food, cupcakes, TOWIE on the telly and excellent man-company from John.

Last night, I had a birthday gathering of most of my favourite people at le pub. I was really chuffed with how many lovely people showed up, and had a generally fabulous evening. Thanks lovely people!

Today is mostly lazy... I'm catching up on fashion blogs, drinking tea by the bucket, piddling on Instagram and looking forward to a beef roast dinner at the in-laws this evening. Lush :)

Bonne weekend to you all x

Sunday, 8 January 2012

... in which I feel accomplished

Hello bbs, and a Happy New Year to you.

In no particular order, here are some things that have occurred this last week or so.

I went back to work.
I handed my notice in.
I passed my handcuffing assessment.
I got CS sprayed in my face. Training is fun.
I saw Chelsea smash Portsmouth 4-0.

Hmm, turns out there was a particular order. Chronological.

Next week I turn 25 and I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. I used to like getting older because I felt with each year older I got, I was taken more seriously. I've enjoyed being 24, I wouldn't mind sticking with it. However I am excited about the new challenges and changes that this year is inevitably going to bring.

Ok, update done. That's one less niggly thing I can get off my to-do list that only ever seems to get longer :)