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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday, 15 January 2012

...in which I edge closer to 30

Well, here I am. My first blog as a 25 year old.

My birthday was spent at work, and then at compulsory after work training, blerg. But my evening was lovely :) it involved Chinese food, cupcakes, TOWIE on the telly and excellent man-company from John.

Last night, I had a birthday gathering of most of my favourite people at le pub. I was really chuffed with how many lovely people showed up, and had a generally fabulous evening. Thanks lovely people!

Today is mostly lazy... I'm catching up on fashion blogs, drinking tea by the bucket, piddling on Instagram and looking forward to a beef roast dinner at the in-laws this evening. Lush :)

Bonne weekend to you all x

Sunday, 8 January 2012

... in which I feel accomplished

Hello bbs, and a Happy New Year to you.

In no particular order, here are some things that have occurred this last week or so.

I went back to work.
I handed my notice in.
I passed my handcuffing assessment.
I got CS sprayed in my face. Training is fun.
I saw Chelsea smash Portsmouth 4-0.

Hmm, turns out there was a particular order. Chronological.

Next week I turn 25 and I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. I used to like getting older because I felt with each year older I got, I was taken more seriously. I've enjoyed being 24, I wouldn't mind sticking with it. However I am excited about the new challenges and changes that this year is inevitably going to bring.

Ok, update done. That's one less niggly thing I can get off my to-do list that only ever seems to get longer :)