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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday, 13 June 2013

...in which I really catch the bug

In between me writing the title for this blog and starting the actual post, one of my cats tried to ju,p up onto the kitchen counter and instead spectacularly headbutted the washing machine.

I think this was worth noting.

In other news, almost overnight I have massively caught the wedding bug. It's now something like 440 days away, so now is a good a time as any to start planning.

It is most definitely time for a new list;

List 4 - list your current & future goals & dreams

become fluent in Greek
have a wedding that John and I both enjoy
beat procrastination
work my arse off at uni to complete my masters
complete my 10k training
find a job that I love doing
be a great wife and have a happy marriage
keep my cats happy and healthy to a ripe old age
have 2 babies (1 boy, 1 girl)
always make time for my friends
be appreciative of everything I have
find somewhere to settle and raise a family
do more volunteer work
make my parents proud
see David Bowie in concert
finish reading the Song of Ice and Fire series
visit Ireland to hang out with John's family
start vlogging
buy a house