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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday, 21 July 2013

... in which I know I should blog more often

It's been far too long since my last list, that was down to a wrist injury, and then a hectic few work weeks. Not forgetting wedding planning (mostly on Pinterest), studying, enjoying the nice weather whilst it lasts, birthdays and celebrating 5 years together with John. But things are calming down now and I'm back on the list-writing wagon!

List 5 - list what you are grateful for

my health (physical and mental)
my whole wonderful family
finding John, who is my perfect other half and who feels the same way about me
having lovely in-laws that have made me feel part of their family
that I can enjoy my own company
having a roof over my head
my amazing friends
my faith
having a job
being able to drive, and my fab little car
the opportunity to be a police officer
that I belong to two different cultures
the turbulent times in my life and the lessons I learned from them
discovering David Bowie, and all the ways his music has helped me
my parents did a great job with me and my brother and I had a happy childhood
I'm not an only child
my cats are the most loving little fur-balls around
all the things that make me laugh
the ability to stay positive
having all five senses
modern technology
the opportunity to learn almost anything I want
I grew up in London

I'll be more on top of the lists from now on :)  ttfn x