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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 29 December 2008

..in which I kick myself

Intending to delete my old photoblog and start again, I cleverly managed to delete my BLOGblog. Even though it was brand new (2 entries) the word "bugger" was just screamed at my laptop screen.


But the old photoblog is gone, and a new one will appear in it's place shortly.

Today has been really productive, and considering I've only been awake for a couple of hours I think that's incredible. I've installed my digital camera software (finally) and uploaded my month old graduation pictures to Facebook.

I tidied up the kitchen and then made a start on tidying my desk which hasn't gone so well. But that's only because I broke off from it to take a walk to the shops where I bought Lovely New Shampoo and colouring pencils. True story.

I've also played bass guitar this morning, something which, sadly I don't do often enough. It felt good. I felt like a rawk star.

Yep, so the next thing to do is get myself a cup of tea and then begin le photoblogging. And then I may work on my novel. Or waste an hour or two on Facebook. Lets see how this productiveness pans out....

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