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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday, 16 January 2011

... in which I run to catch up

Well... it's been a mad mad week or so.

A week ago last Friday I had my birthday party. It was eventful, but to everybody who came and was merry and partied with me, I'm very thankful and I heart you. And I got cake :)

Due to the massive volume of strawberry daquaris that I consumed that night, I was very hungover on Saturday, and so the day was spent chilling out and watching Lost. Yep.

On Sunday, fully recovered, John and I took my parents to watch Chelsea vs Ipswich. It was my mum's first Chelsea game, so I was hoping they would score at least once and they didn't let us down. 7-0 baby!

Monday morning brought total heartbreak when I got up for work and found Luke, my budgie of 8 years, completely still on the bottom of his cage. I was so gutted, and I still am. The flat is so quiet without him, I miss him so much.

So... Tuesday was my birthday. And it was lovely. I got some beautiful cards, and some lovely presents, and loads of messages from loads of gorgeous people. Now I'm 24. I think it'll be a good year.

The rest of the week was uneventful until I was ill on Friday. Thankfully I recovered enough by Saturday to go and see Chelsea vs Blackburn where we won 2-0. Lovely!

And that brings me to today, a day of chilling, interspersed with cleaning.

Happy Weekend!

Sunday, 2 January 2011

... in which I rectify some li'l mistakes

John read my previous post and reminded me that, as far as musical discoveries in 2010 go, Jason Derulo and One Direction (shutup) deserve an honourable mention.

Glee deserves one as being my new favourite TV show in 2010.

And my lovely iPoon 4 as the best thing I bought.

I really shouldn't have rushed my answers, eh? :)