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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 16 January 2011

... in which I run to catch up

Well... it's been a mad mad week or so.

A week ago last Friday I had my birthday party. It was eventful, but to everybody who came and was merry and partied with me, I'm very thankful and I heart you. And I got cake :)

Due to the massive volume of strawberry daquaris that I consumed that night, I was very hungover on Saturday, and so the day was spent chilling out and watching Lost. Yep.

On Sunday, fully recovered, John and I took my parents to watch Chelsea vs Ipswich. It was my mum's first Chelsea game, so I was hoping they would score at least once and they didn't let us down. 7-0 baby!

Monday morning brought total heartbreak when I got up for work and found Luke, my budgie of 8 years, completely still on the bottom of his cage. I was so gutted, and I still am. The flat is so quiet without him, I miss him so much.

So... Tuesday was my birthday. And it was lovely. I got some beautiful cards, and some lovely presents, and loads of messages from loads of gorgeous people. Now I'm 24. I think it'll be a good year.

The rest of the week was uneventful until I was ill on Friday. Thankfully I recovered enough by Saturday to go and see Chelsea vs Blackburn where we won 2-0. Lovely!

And that brings me to today, a day of chilling, interspersed with cleaning.

Happy Weekend!

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