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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 27 December 2011

... in which I feel warm and fuzzy

Hi bbs :)

I'm still in my jammies and basking in post-Christmas glow. What a good time for an update (says I).

Christmas was awesome, as was Boxing Day. John and I were up fairly early on Christmas Day, we swapped pressies and then cooked a huge fry up... om nom nom. We digested that for a little while before wrapping the last few presents and heading over to my parents. My aunt and uncle are visiting from Cyprus and my brother was home from uni so it was a lovely gathering, and dinner was delicious.

And then (still digesting) we went to visit John's parents where we collected about 20 chocolate oranges from various people, among some other fabulous presents. And then came charades and board games, which brought some priceless quotes...

Kerry: What is a female rabbit called?
John: Well, it's not "bunny"...
Brian: Yeah, because Bugs was a boy

Me and Kerry: What are the 7 deadly sins?
John: Rape

Brian: If the penis piercing is called a Prince Albert, what is the corresponding piercing on a female called?
Megan: CLIT!

Ian: Lee Evans is the worst thing to happen to the world.
Brian: What about Adolf??

... to name a few.

Gaming was bloody brilliant. And then exhausted, with about 6 huge bags of presents and chocolatey goodies we headed home.

Boxing day was a lovely chilled out affair for us. We enjoyed the 50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments, which caused lots of heated discussion, obviously :) followed by the new Lee Evans stand up which was hilarious. And then we ended the day with dinner and series 1 of TOWIE, which admittedly was much more up my street than John's, but he does enjoy the stupidity of it.

And now we have to find room for all our new goodies, which gives us an excuse to do a clear out of all the things we don't need. Looking at my wish-list from one of my previous posts, I can say with no surprise that I did not get a Louis Vuitton bag, or an Alfa Romeo, or Gary Barlow (although a Take That calendar and the tour DVD are good substitutes!) but I was lucky enough to get the Professor Layton game. Now... come on snow days! I'd like to postpone going back to work for at least an extra week :)

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