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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Friday 10 July 2009

...in which I feel like it's Saturday and not Friday

Ho hum, twiddly thumbs.

It's been one of those days. Yesterday I mean, today still has the potential to be a bit cool, but mostly not. Yesterday was just scummy though. And tomorrow will be in a similar vein.

I spent hours last night trying to decide on some body ink, to not much avail really. I sorta wish I was one of those people who can rock up to a tattoo place and pick something at random and love it. But I'm not. I even agonise over piercings a lot, which makes less sense.

So yeah, when my stomach pains decide to abate a little and I can bring myself to greet the day I might do some productive things to make myself feel better. How did it get to nearly 2pm already? Ridiculous.

And why is there no lemon and green tea bags left in the house? Ohhhhhhh. I need it.

On the upside, after tomorrow's fresh Hell I have 4 days off work :)

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