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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 24 October 2011

... in which I plan plan plan

I'd love to pretend that my lack of updates has been down to my life being so full of exciting, lovely events that I haven't physically been able to find time to blog.

Sadly, it's mostly down to Megaflu. The build up to it took about a week, where I felt generally a bit rubbish and didn't have my usual massive appetite. Then came a day where I felt mostly fine, and went off to a fantastic, extravagant wedding with John and destroyed my feet with Evil Shoes. And the next day... Megaflu.

I took two days off work, drank tea, ate soup, cuddled cats and rested lots. It didn't help, so I went back to work, which didn't help me even more but lessened the guilt I was feeling at leaving my students unsupported.

On Saturday, Alice and I hung out whilst our other halves were having Man Weekend. We started off with a Thai massage, which was interesting as it was my first massage. It felt a bit rough at the time but my back and shoulders are loving it now. Coffee, lunch and brownies followed that, before an impromptu mini shopping trip.

And today is the first day of half term. Lovely!! I have lots to do but the little procrastinator inside me is telling me that none of it needs to be done today, so I'l be going with that advice for now, and dossing all day. Until I go to the gym with the girls. But that still falls under fun.

TTFN bbs, have a lovely day x

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