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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 2 October 2011

...in which I still feel too pale

And so ends another hectic, busy week. Made slightly better by all the freakin' sunshine we've had!

I'm seriously loving this little heatwave. Obviously, all the classrooms at work are sweltering, and my summer clothes had been put away but the upsides to the weather totally make up for things like that. I've spent my journeys home from work with my windows down pretending I'm on my way to the beach :) shame I didn't actually catch any more of a tan this week.

Last night was a hilarious meal/bowling extravaganza with John, Gem, Matt, Laura and Joe. A gorgeous dinner (which included yummy ribs) was followed by bowling lunacy, high fives, near-flashing and falling on the floor. A great night.

I also baked my first ever carrot cake (wuhu!). I tried a Greek recipe, because I knew that my parentals would be involved in the Tasting and Judging of it. Yesterday afternoon I set out all my ingredients and began.... and then realised my scales were broken. Horror set in before I decided to haphazardly guess most of the quantities. As a result I ended up with a delicious looking albeit flat cake, which my dad merrily took the piss out of, before asking for a rather large slice... in summary, it looks weird but tastes pretty nice, so I'm considering that a success!

Hope you all had a nice weekend, I'm gonna give The X Factor and Sexy Gary Barlow my full attention now :D

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