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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Friday 23 September 2011

... in which I realise stuff

Ohmygosh, hello weekend *snugs the weekend*

What a week.

I mean. Bloody hell, what a week!!

Highlights have been;

- yoga
- going to Chelsea vs Fulham
- dinner at John's parents

Even going to the football was mildly stressful seeing as how we didn't manage to score during the game, and then didn't manage to score during extra time and had to resort to penalties. Thankfully we won on penalties by the skin of our teeth. My voice is still scratchy from chanting :)

I did something really nice the other week. I offered an olive branch (in the form of "Happy Birthday") to someone I hadn't spoken to for years. We were best friends at one point, before she did the worst thing that you could do to a friend, to me. And it felt nice, to be nice.

I came to the realisation the other day that there's only one person I can think of who I actively dislike, and that's down to their treatment of a good friend of mine. Even the people who've treated me badly.... there's no dislike there any more. And now I can understand why some people actively decide to not hold grudges. It feels good to let stuff go.

On that note, happy weekend bbs! I'm off to start making sausage hotpot, which I'm very excited about eating :)

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