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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 10 September 2011

... in which I feel the burn

So to my complete shock (and delight) I woke up last Friday to discover that despite my horrific lurgy, I passed my interview, and I also have a date for Part II. Good times :)

The last days of the summer holidays weren't as packed and hectic as the weeks mentioned in my last post, and sadly, work soon followed. It's been lovely seeing everyone again (children included) but being short-staffed also means being over-worked and very tired, which hasn't been fun.

However there's been some fun inbetween the tiredness, zumba and dinner with Cat, Manju and Lisa, and a fun night in when Kerry and Paul came to visit us and came bearing pizza :)

NaNoWriMo is coming up... I really want to have another crack at it this year. It's damn procrastination that keeps getting in my way. I think coffee might be a helpful addition this year though.

Ttfn bbs xxxxx

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