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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 17 September 2011

... in which I am reem

Happy Weekend bbs!

And it is a happy weekend. My week was crazy busy, but in a good way. On Tuesday I yoga-ed and then ate pizza with Ann, where we swapped stories about making fools out of ourselves. It's always nice to know your friends are as silly as you are :)

On Wednesday it was zumba time avec Cat and Lisa. We zumba-ed and then.... went for dinner. Which is pretty much my routine whenever I exercise. And what?

The next evening was spent with John and my parentals, eating lush food and watching football. And worrying about my assessment looming on Friday.

So on Friday my mum kindly drove me to Hendon (despite the fact that I love driving and would have happily driven myself there... haha!) where I was fantastically early. But luckily soon I was joined by people, some of whom I'd met on my day 1 assessment. And then the day started with being measured for a uniform... I've never seen anything as surreal as my reflection wearing a stab vest and a police hat.

Then there was a medical examination, documentation checking, fingerprint taking (not with ink tho... boo) and a fitness test. Everyone in my group passed which was lovely :)

By the time I got home I was exhausted, so it was straight into the shower, and then into pyjamas and a sleeping bag, and onto the sofa where Sierra and Oscar kept me company until John arrived home. At one point I almost fell asleep and Sierra was curled up on me, but once he heard John's keys in the door he woke up pretty sharpish and kicked me quite brutally in the chest in his rush to meet John at the door.

Tonight brings a family meal, as a sort of "see ya later" for John's sisters who are off to uni in the next week or so.

Tomorrow Chelsea play United. My oldest friend, Manju is a massive Glory Hunter (I'm lucky she doesn't read this) and we're planning on watching it together. I hope we're still friends afterwards!

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