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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday, 17 May 2009

...in which I lay on the angst

OK well since my last blog these things have not happened;

1. winning the lottery
2. going on a holiday
3. any sort of job satisfaction

I still have them both and I do not like them both. The last week has been horrible, starting with sniffles on Saturday night, which by Sunday had turned into a full blown cold. Urgh. And I had to work on Sunday at job no.1, joy of joys.

It was not a good day.

Admitting defeat to the lurgy I had to call in sick to job no.2 on Monday and Tuesday. I probably shouldn't have gone in on Wednesday either but I did, and felt awful for my efforts. And after escaping job no.2 I had to go to job no.1.

Urgh urgh urgh.

Anyway, I'm now at the end of a surprise weekend off work. I am still avec le lurgy and fun stomach cramps to boot. Had a nice day yesterday with John, which just hasn't happened enough recently because of work and lurgys. Today I slept a lot, played some WoW, watched Chelsea win at football and looked for back up jobs if my uni plans don't go ahead.

Heh, I just want an easy life. But no, I have to go and get a painful spot on my eyelid which takes all the fun out of blinking.

Cuddles from toy stuffed frogs make things a bit better though :] awww.

I want the percentage of angst in this blog to be a bit less and the percentage of happy stuff to be higher. So;

^ is my cat. I saw him today and decided that even though he's a bit awkward he's still mostly awesome

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

...in which I consider new plans of action


Time to spill my thoughts in blog form. I watched Amelie again the other night and it made me want to move to Paris, become an artist, and spend all day painting and visiting boulangeries. Would be nice. Or writing. A career as a writer would be so much fun I reckon. I wish I was better at it.

Both of my current jobs are poo. I've started to dread going to sleep when I know I have to wake up to work the next day. This is why my new plan inolves winning a vast amount of money on the lottery. And this vast amount of money will let me jack both jobs in, and get a couple of cats :]

I'm going to Sweden in July with John (he just text me as I was typing that... how spooky) and I'm hilariously excited. Neither of us have been before, or know anyone whose been so it's all new and exciting and yay. I can't wait to go!

I've almost finished reading The Odyssey by Homer. I didn't think I'd enjoy it but I've really loved it, might try and get my hands on the Iliad too. Greek people are so cool.

Friday, 1 May 2009

...in which I am Ziggy Stardust (apparently)

Which David Bowie are you?

I think I had the potential once. Four or five years ago I spent a summer without t'internet and so spent a lot of time playing guitar and writing songs with the apsirations of being the next David Bowie.

It didn't work. I'd say 99% down to me being lazy.

I've felt so emotional for the past few days that it's getting really boring. Do not want.

I found, installed and played Zoo Tycoon today. I love it but I'm not very good at it. I keep losing silly amounts of money, but it's only to make my chimps and my tigers and giraffes happy. When I say "found" I mean I stole it from my brothers room whilst looking for my Diablo 2 cds. I can't even find the box, so I'm thinking I may have lent it to someone. I don't know why I would do that, because I hate sharing.

True story.