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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 17 May 2009

...in which I lay on the angst

OK well since my last blog these things have not happened;

1. winning the lottery
2. going on a holiday
3. any sort of job satisfaction

I still have them both and I do not like them both. The last week has been horrible, starting with sniffles on Saturday night, which by Sunday had turned into a full blown cold. Urgh. And I had to work on Sunday at job no.1, joy of joys.

It was not a good day.

Admitting defeat to the lurgy I had to call in sick to job no.2 on Monday and Tuesday. I probably shouldn't have gone in on Wednesday either but I did, and felt awful for my efforts. And after escaping job no.2 I had to go to job no.1.

Urgh urgh urgh.

Anyway, I'm now at the end of a surprise weekend off work. I am still avec le lurgy and fun stomach cramps to boot. Had a nice day yesterday with John, which just hasn't happened enough recently because of work and lurgys. Today I slept a lot, played some WoW, watched Chelsea win at football and looked for back up jobs if my uni plans don't go ahead.

Heh, I just want an easy life. But no, I have to go and get a painful spot on my eyelid which takes all the fun out of blinking.

Cuddles from toy stuffed frogs make things a bit better though :] awww.

I want the percentage of angst in this blog to be a bit less and the percentage of happy stuff to be higher. So;

^ is my cat. I saw him today and decided that even though he's a bit awkward he's still mostly awesome

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