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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Wednesday 27 October 2010

... in which I long for hunger

I am so ill.

When it comes to my health, I know that when I can't eat, something is srsly wrong.

Cat and I went out for lunch and I couldn't eat my steak sandwich. Because it was raw steak :-/ but then Cat moaned and it came back cooked and yummy but then I couldn't eat it because of The Lurgy.

Anyway, by sheer luck I got a doctor's appointment in the afternoon and she told me I have a virus. She can't give me meds for a virus, so I need to rest, drink lots of water, and knock back the painkillers to get my temperature down.


Especially when I should have been going shopping tomorrow, and raving on Friday.

Even though I'm not hungry I really want a pizza. John has given me some dosh to order a pizza with, but I'm worried that it'll arrive and my belly will go "uh, no. Do not want."

I might try making one instead. Watch this space...

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