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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 30 October 2010

... in which I moan

I'm still sick. My doctor said this might take 10 days to pass, I was hoping to send it on it's way in 2 days with the magic of green tea.

But here I am, 4 days later, still sick. The appetite comes back intermittently but my voice has gone. I need it back by Monday otherwise I'll be useless at work. Unless I make cue cards such as;

Sit up!
Stop talking!
Don't rock on your chair!
Where's *your* pen? (in response to "Miiiiss, can I borrow a pen?")

John has been looking after me really well. He took me out for lunch and a coffee since I hadn't left the house for days, and also bought me a magazine, a big Milky Bar and lemon Fanta for entertaining myself at home. Nice :)

And then we got home and carved pumpkins (mine was best but we're letting our Facebook friends judge it for us). We then finished off with Chinese food and watching X Factor.

And that's it.

Hope you're all well, and have a Happy Hallowe'en!

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