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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 7 November 2010

... in which I need to be in two places at once


Yes, that's me. Still. Although generally speaking I am miles better than I was this time last week. At least my voice is back, and my appetite is on it's merry little way back :)

So, I'm well on my way with Nanowrimo and feeling good about it. I also need to get a film developed from my Diana camera. My to-do list just seems endless right now, and the fact that I have WoW back on my computer, and I'm making lots of headway with my game of Pharaoh isn't helping.

I watched Castaway last night for the first time. T'was brilliant. Have also been getting involved with The Mummy and The Mummy Returns over the past week; both brilliant. And both good background noise for when I'm playing Pharaoh.

And I'm off..... got breakfast and coffee to be dealing with before I tackle the day!

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