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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 25 October 2010

... in which I make a list

Bonje lovely people :) I can seeeeeee yoooooooou!

Right, I'm on half term. For those of you sharing in this glorious time with me, happy half term to you. So on day 1 I have managed to do these things;

1. Not sleep all day
2. Wash up all the stuff from last night's (epic) roast
3. Do a food shop
4. Learn some more Greek words
5. Watch Cheryl Cole's interview with Piers Morgan
6. Play lots of Pharaoh

For dinner tonight I'm attempting to cook a mushroom risotto Jamie Oliver stylee. This was the main reason for leaving my comfy warm house and embarking on a food shop; I needed mushrooms.

Porcini mushrooms to be precise. However, Sainsburys let me down and didn't have any porcini mushrooms. So I got mini portobella mushrooms instead, I'm sure they will work just the same.*

I've been drinking a lot of coffee recently. Less than when I worked in a coffee shop, but more than my normal not-working-in-a-coffee-shop self. I adore the taste and the smell... and being a bit of a coffee nerd, I'll stop there before I bore you all. But I'm worried about caffeine dependency. Do not want. I don't want to be a miserable bugger on a day where I don't have a coffee.

Ha! Ok, I need to go and work out what I'll be writing for Nanowrimo... I might give the horror genre a try this year.

* I'm not that naive about mushrooms. I adore portobella mushrooms but for all their yumminess they are not porcini and I'm worrying about the quality of this risotto.

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