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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 20 November 2010

... in which I sound like a little bit of a Scrooge

I have two gripes today.

My first is these people who have already finished their Christmas shopping, written all their cards and wrapped all their presents. SHUTUP! I am so very behind on my Chrimboli shopping. I have tonnes of great ideas for presents, but haven't done anything about my great ideas yet.

Secondly, who are these fucking morons who drive around during the day (or night, but especially the day) with their fucking FULL BEAM headlights on. Um, why? You're in Hillingdon, not the fucking wilderness. Idiots. It really bugs me.

Ohhhh, John, me and both our mums went out to see Harry Potter last night. T'was amazing. I won't say more because I don't want to be spoiling stuff. But.... wow.

We're off to the Birtish Museum today, even though I said we were doing that last Sunday. We're doing it today instead. 'citin'!


Tuesday 16 November 2010

... in which there is... fog?

Oh, fog! Bravo! Very mysterious.

I can't decide if I like the fog or not. On the one hand, very moody and atmospheric, and actually quite inspiring Nanowrimo-wise.

On the other hand, it's cold and it makes driving a bit of a white-knuckle experience.

Eddie Izzard has some valid points on fog;

Tuesday 9 November 2010

...in which I rush

Bullet points today people.

- I love my work people. I'm part of a really nice, close-knit team.

- Having said that, this half term is a hard one, work-wise. I think it's the time of year. And the weather. Which has been filthy for the past two days.

- I'm looking forward to playing badminton tomorrow, I haven't played for ages because of this dumb chest infection.

- My shoe fell apart today #devastated

- I know I'm not on Twitter :-/

- Johnboy and I have been watching An Idiot Abroad, it's much better than I thought it would be.

- It makes me want to go travelling.

- Especially to Egypt. But that's not all Karl Pilkington's fault, I can also lay blame at the door of Pharaoh and The Mummy.

- Going mummy hunting at the British Museum this weekend! Fun times.

- Goodnight x

Sunday 7 November 2010

... in which I need to be in two places at once


Yes, that's me. Still. Although generally speaking I am miles better than I was this time last week. At least my voice is back, and my appetite is on it's merry little way back :)

So, I'm well on my way with Nanowrimo and feeling good about it. I also need to get a film developed from my Diana camera. My to-do list just seems endless right now, and the fact that I have WoW back on my computer, and I'm making lots of headway with my game of Pharaoh isn't helping.

I watched Castaway last night for the first time. T'was brilliant. Have also been getting involved with The Mummy and The Mummy Returns over the past week; both brilliant. And both good background noise for when I'm playing Pharaoh.

And I'm off..... got breakfast and coffee to be dealing with before I tackle the day!