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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 18 December 2010

...in which am equal parts happy and sad

It was the last day of term yesterday (whoop whoop!). I was really pleased to get to this point because this time last year our last day of term was cancelled due to epic snow, which made me sad because I love the Christmassy atmosphere at work.

But it all went ahead yesterday. After a bit of a disastrous start to the day car-wise. My car was frozen shut when I went out to her at 7.20am. After wrestling with both doors I managed to get the passenger door open and took refuge inside with the engine on for a few moments before beginning 20 minutes of scraping windows. I then managed to get the drivers door open... and then accidently drove off with the passenger door wide open. Fail.

I spent period 1 at work with Jo making a quiz for our period 3 lesson. I spent period 2 taking a year 10 maths class, which involved watching Meet the Parents and making sure the little lovelies stayed out of trouble. And then it turned out period 3 wasn't on, so my brilliant quiz went to waste. Quelle shame :)

After a quick assembly we went for lunch. And then the snow started... it began so suddenly, literally we walked past a window and went "ooh, look at those clouds, it might snow later," and then when we came back past the same window two minutes later everything was blanketed in white! Madness.

It was such a great atmosphere in the staff room. There was a row of people pressed up against the windows going "oooh, it's so pretty" whilst the rest of the staff were going "zomg, how will I get home?!"

Eventually our Headmaster sent us all home early. Winner!

I arrived home and promptly fell asleep on the sofa for an hour or so whilst Jeremy Kyle wittered on in the background.

And alas! When I woke up my chest was sore. And I knew, sadly, that a chest infection was on it's way.

I've woken up this morning to amazing, beautiful snow, and a horrid chesty cough. You win some, you lose some.

Happy Christmas holidays :)

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