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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 7 December 2010

...in which I tell the legend of the Northolt Blackout

One Saturday morning in December, Katie was woken by John who had bad news.

"The plumber is meant to be here in 45 minutes to fix the water pump, but the electricity has gone in our building," he explained to a sleepy (and hungover!) Katie.

"Bugger," mumbled Katie in reply.

A short while later, the two of them were still without power, but ready to crack on with the plans they had made for Saturday. John had planned a Man Day with Leigh and Rob, at Rob's house, which was a few doors down from where he and Katie lived.

Katie was travelling to Birmingham with Leigh's girlfriend Alice to go to The Clothes Show Live. Luckily the girls' day was not scuppered by the blackout, however the boys soon discovered that the whole of their street was without power and alas! They had to relocate Man Day to Rob's parents house.

Several hours later at around 7pm, after thoroughly enjoying themselves at The Clothes Show, the girls returned to Katie's flat in Northolt to discover that the whole street was still in a blackout.

After a hurried phone call to the boys, everyone gathered back together at Rob's (dark dark) house where a hundred candles were lit and Chinese food was ordered. After a hearty meal and watching "See no Evil, Hear no Evil" on a laptop running on battery the five of them began to feel the chill, and fluffy blankets had to be utilised.

As 11 o clock neared, movement could be heard outside.

Suddenly, something roared into life in the road below and began to hum monotonously.

"What's that?" cried Rob as they all ran to the windows in excitement. As their eyes focussed in the dark and they realised that the humming was a large generator the lights in Rob's flat flickered on, to be greeted by cheers and whoops.

The end.


This was a true story. Sadly, in the epilogue, the electricity lasted until Sunday night and has been intermittent ever since.

7 working days until the Christmas holidays :)

Luckily I've started my shopping too!

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