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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 16 April 2011

... in which I make a monumental post

And my monumental, I'm referring to numbers, not content :) this is my 111th post. And my birthday is 11/1.

So yesterday John and I went to his cousin's wedding. It was all the way in Colchester, but luckily we'd managed to scrounge a lift from John's parents. The plan was to set our alarms for 7 and get picked up at half 9.

However, at 6.45 we got a phone call from John's mum saying our route had been blocked by an accident and time of departure would now be 8. Bugger. But it all worked out alright, after a frantic hour of getting ready and a couple of hours in the car, we were in Colchester, enjoying a lovely wedding :)

Food was great, atmosphere was great, John's family are awesome, the wedding was well organised and quirky, and our table won the wedding day quiz, woo hoo!

And when I say quirky, I mean our wedding meal was a choice of fish and chips or sausage and chips, and pudding was the arrival of an ice cream van. Can't say I'd ever seen that before! It was just a really lovely day.

Today we're taking it easy which involves endless cups of tea, stopping kittens destroying curtains and me playing Theme Hospital!

Happy weekend everybody!

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