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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Wednesday 27 April 2011

... in which I may reveal too much

For once, there's actually been a genuine reason for not blogging enough. I've been in hospital :(

This might be a bit TMI, but I figure there's no point sugar-coating things on my blog. Basically, I grew an abscess on my coccyx (tailbone). I did the same thing two years ago, it was excruciating, it popped, I got it packed and took antibiotics.

For some reason, this time round it was doubly painful. After a week of it being sore I managed to get antibiotics for it on Tuesday, but by the weekend it had worsened so John took me to A&E on Saturday to get it drained.

After hours and hours they took my blood (much to my horror) and had a look at it. Because I'm such a wuss and panicked about the blood test they also had to do an ECG. I got hooked up to a drip and plonked into a bed, and they decided I needed surgery on it.... tomorrow.

So John and I went home and were back at 8.30 the next day (Easter Sunday). The wait again was ridiculous, especially since I hadn't been able to eat or drink since the previous night. They hooked me up to a drip at about 4pm because I was dehydrated and miserable. Another few hours and they whisked me off for my first ever operation.

The general anesthetic was weeeird. I don't remember going to sleep but waking up was horrible. I was crying for a completely unknown reason and I felt sick. The panic of feeling sick and then the anti-emetic they injected me with sent my heart rate crazy so I had to stay in recovery for ages until I calmed down.

I was then sent back to my bed where I was offered tea and toast, which almost set me off crying again because there was nothing I wanted more at that moment than tea and toast.

John was then ushered home by the nurses and I was left to fend for myself. To be fair, every single person who dealt with me was lovely, it's just that as a first class wimp, I was still in shock from having surgery, and not keen on being left alone in a hospital. So I drank my tea and watched Meet the Parents to chill myself out :)

I had to have my blood pressure taken every half hour for a while, and then at 2am, 4am and 6am so I didn't get a lot of sleep. John came back to see me at 2pm and after a couple more hours I got sent home.

I now have to have the "wound" (I hate that they call it that) packed with gauze every day, because there is essentially just a hole there where they took the infection out. This is a pain because I can't drive at the mo, John isn't insured on Baby and my parents are out of the country. Luckily my in-laws are fabulous and have shuttled me around ever since.

Today I decided I missed driving (poor Baby hadn't been driven for 2 weeks!!) so I hopped in the car to take the kitties to the vets. It hurt, so I'm gonna have to stop again for a few more days.

Aaaaand that'll be it. I've got Oscar asleep and purring on my foot but I'm getting pins and needles so I have to move.


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