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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Friday 26 August 2011

... in which I breathe out a long week

Ugh, busy busy busy!!

Last week covered a meal out for John's birthday, taking the boys to the vets to get neutered (bless!), John's actual birthday, 3 separate trips to the gym to do zumba, one night out to the Slug & Lettuce with Cat, Manju and Lisa, lunch with Rekha, another night out to the slug with Ann, Manju, Nas, Alex, Tasha, Jo and Jemma, a visit from the landlady to replace our washing machine, a big night out to celebrate John's birthday and a sleepover at Lisa's house.

Had enough??? It sounds exhausting but it was a lovely (albeit busy) week. Here's some highlights from John's party :)

This week has been different... it's involved John having the lurgy and staying off work, and then me catching the lurgy the day before a really important interview. Guh, I was so bad that my aim for the day went from "ACING MY INTERVIEW AND WRITTEN EXAM" to "not vomiting" :( the lurgy disbanded my interview nerves, which I didn't want because I know that nerves spur me on to do well. Now I have to wait two weeks to find out how I did.

I went to see The Inbetweeners last night with Manju and Cat.... absolutely hilarious! Can't wait to see it again.... friend :)

Ok ttfn bbs, I have crispy shredded chilli beef waiting for me x

Tuesday 16 August 2011

... in which I may procrastinate for a change

Ah I was so sure I wouldn't fall prey to post-holiday blues... and yet here I am longing for Cypriot food.

So the past couple of days have been fun. Yesterday Cat and I went to the gym for a middle of the day Zumba class, thinking it would be like our regular evening class.


We stumbled into old-lady Zumba which was completely boring and hilarious at the same time. But we stuck it out and then rewarded ourselves with lunch :)

Today I woke up fairly early, waved John (whose birthday it is, woo hoo!) off to work before taking Sierra and Oscar to the vets to be neutered. Poor things ... they were also due to be micro-chipped as well. Due to the anesthetic they needed to be starved from 8pm last night which they were pretty unhappy with. So much so that when John and I went to bed they continually head-butted the bedroom door in protest.... which is still a better reaction than I had when I had to starve before my operation :)

So after I'd left them at the vets I met Cat and Lisa at the gym to try and do some normal Zumba... which we managed (yay!) before having celebratory jacket potatoes. On nom nom.....

Now I'm home, feeling weird because there aren't cats here, but trying to make the most of their absence and do a lot of cleaning... hence the blog :) ahhh, I get to pick them up in about an hour. I just spoke to the vet (who called me Mrs. Hailstone) who told me they were curled up together sleeping it off.

Right.... time to actually clean. After my cup of tea. TTFN!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

... in which I try to catch up

So Cyprus was lovely. All except the absolutely ridiculous heat. And the rolling powercuts over the island.

It was great to see family and friends, including cute new additions that I hadn't met before :) and the food! Oh, the food was amazing, as per usual. We spent a few nights in Nicosia with family before heading the Paralimni (where the beeeeach lives) where John and I stayed in our super retro beach house. Our Duran Duran gig was unfortunately cancelled so we spent that spare time lounging and eating more lovely food.

It's nice to be home, I missed my bed, I missed the boys, I missed my friends, and I missed the feeling of not melting.

I didn't expect to come home to find hundreds of scumbag degenerates ruining London though. These riots have given me the rage, big time. I wish I was a police officer now.

Ok, now time to unpack. I've been putting it off because I've been glued to BBC news...

Monday 8 August 2011

... in which I return

I'm home!

And my house is a mess and our washing machine has died and we have no food in and our suitcases haven't been unpacked.

But oh boy it is good to be home. My bed felt glorious last night.

Proper blog soon, when a sense of order is restored.