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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 2 May 2013

...in which I have leg ache

I'm just starting to wonder whether I use my iPhone too much. I just wrote an email from my laptop instead of my phone for the first time in months, and all of a sudden I find I can't type properly any more. Ditto with writing this blog. I'm constantly making dumb typos and having to go back and correct myself. Although now I'm wondering if that is partly due to my laptop still being new. Maybe I'm not used to the keys yet. Maybe. Anyway. Much to my surprise I went to the gym this morning. I found myself an app that in 8 weeks can apparently train you to be able to run 5k in one go. I'm really quite skeptical so I'm giving it a try. Watch this space. I also cycled A LOT after the running, hence the leg ache. I've got work to do but I found my Kindle (aka John's Kindle) again the other day and I started reading A Clash of Kings, and now it's all I want to do. Studying and tidying don't stand a chance against Kindle fun. My cats are both sunbathing, which makes me jealous. Another thing making me jealous is the amount of people I know that will be in Cyprus for Greek Easter. I so need to be there. I made Koulourakia the other day to make myself feel better about not going, and they're so bloody delicious that it did help for a little while :) Have a great day bbs x

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