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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 9 May 2013

...in which I make another list

Ok, firstly I need to have a mini gush over;
a) the David Bowie Is exhibition at the V&A. So awesome. I still can't put it into words properly, but I'll try in the next couple of days.
b) the video for The Next Day. Obviously.

I'm trying to keep up the list challenge - It's this one today.

List 2 - your greatest comforts

my beautiful cats
tea (or any hot beverage really)
wearing a onesie
fresh bed sheets
John cuddles
having a lay in
playing Plants vs Zombies
David Bowie's music
David Bowie in general
lighting candles
listening to rain
reading Harry Potter
colouring in
wearing my watch
Whatsapping nonsense to my best friend
curling up on the sofa and eating homemade couscous
listening to Greek radio
cooking spaghetti bolognese
watching TV adverts from when I was a kid
nostalgia in general
being in Cyprus
having freshly washed hair
pillows and cushions
wearing my comfiest boots
Yankee candles
watching Friends

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