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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 14 June 2009

...in which it's really you and really me


Am up early to go on a tent-shopping trip thats not happening now so am being productive, starting with updating my blog and then going onto painting my nails.

I have Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture on in the background. A loverly way to blog I think.

Work is still poo but I'm a mere 10 days away from some time off to do awesome things like have an anniversary and go to Glastonbury. And then only a few more weeks until I'm off to Sweden with John.

I got a bar put through my belly button. My first non-ear piercing. I really like it, it looks nicer than I though it would. Hurts a little bit coz I keep sleeping on it but it mostly feels good.

I think I need breakfast, I feel a bit woozy from hunger :]

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