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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 22 June 2009

...in which I has optimism

Oh hai! ^.^

I'm on an epic break from work at the moment, no classes til 1.15. So I'm being a little bit productive.

Things are good at the moment. On Wednesday is mine and John's year anniversary which is very exciting. I'm not in the know yet about how we're spending the day but I'm really looking forward to it :)

And the day after that I'm off to Glastonbury festival which is also falling into the FUN category. Have got most things ready for that now. Still need a camera though.

Aaaaand it's also a month before me and Johnboy go to Sweden, about which I'm twitching with excitement. A whole week somewhere that's not here is gonna be amazing. Double amazing coz I'll be with my favourite person.

After today I only have 2 more days working at the college before the students break up for summer. Am a little bit sad about that, but mostly relieved.

Tomorrow I havea job interview. It's my back-up plan for when I don't get into uni and I'm pretty sure that I won't. C'est la vie.

This summer will be full of epic win hopefully.

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