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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 31 May 2011

... in which I scrabble

Oh dear, I totes forgot to keep up my 30 day song challenge, so I'm gonna make up for it in one big post.

Day 8: a song that gets stuck in your head all the time

I do like a bit of P!nk :)

Day 9: a song by someone that inspires you

Predictable, but an amazing medley nonetheless

Day 10: a song that reminds you of a family member

This reminds me of my brother, Chris. Mainly because of one time he had to rescue drunk!me from a pub at 3am and blasted this song in his car on the way home :) good times

Day 11: a song that reminds you of a friend

This is mine and Ann's song :) we recreated the video once

Day 12: a song that reminds you of someone you hate

This is unfortunate because I used to adore Placebo, but an old "friend" really tainted them for me

Day 13: a song you can't help but like

I don't care what anyone says, this is a massive tune

Day 14: a strange song

Strange, but also a tune

Day 15: a song by the performer at the last concert you went to

It wasn't a "concert" but still....

Day 16: the last song you heard

Ohmygosh, I love this song to pieces

Right, that's ya lot. I gotta try and keep on top of this :)


Sunday 22 May 2011

... in which I lament

Day 7: a song that you hate

Katy B - Lights On. I'm not gonna post a video for it.

Football overall today was very interesting, with all the relegation stuff. Chelsea were poor :( and now Carlo Ancelotti is gone, which I'm kinda sad about, but hopeful that whoever we get next year can inspire us to have an even better season.

Had my first night out last night since my surgery, and it was so much fun. Just hilarity coming at us from all directions. I'm still sticking with my no-drinking rule though. At some points I was a bit "oh, I would like a cocktail" but when I got home and didn't have to force down a pint of water and dry toast to ward of vomiting I was glad I stuck to my rules.

TTFN bbs, hope you had a nice weekend x

Saturday 21 May 2011

... in which I giggle

Day 6: a song that makes you laugh

So childish and wrong, but it does make me howl with laughter XD

Ttfn bbs


Friday 20 May 2011

... in which I welcome the weekend

Day 4: a song that makes you smile


Day 5: a song that makes you cry

I literally can not bear to even listen to this song. It makes me unbearably sad.

*snugs the weekend in the face*


Wednesday 18 May 2011

... in which I soldier on

Day 3: The first song you ever heard

I can't say for sure that this was the first I ever heard, but it was on of the first songs I was aware of

Tuesday 17 May 2011

... in which I carry on

Day 2: The first song you heard by your favourite artist

I'm being a bit predictable... tomorrow should bring some variety.

Monday 16 May 2011

... in which I attempt this again


Day 1: Your favourite song

...every time

Monday 9 May 2011

... in which I heeeeal

Oh God, I feel like I'm going back in time. When I figure out exactly what this means I'll let you know.

My surgery wound (blerg) has almost healed up in the two weeks since my op. My nurse said she thought it would be more like 6 weeks of healing, so I'm pretty chuffed with that! And slightly baffled too, since I take much longer than most to heal after piercings. So yay :)

I was back to work properly today which was nice, but I'm getting itchy feet. I miss having a job that allows random time off, and I miss being able to go "oh I need some more cash this month, better do some more hours!"

I've also been dreaming about working at Costa quite a disturbing amount recently. I think it ties in with my job concern. I'll just have to settle for playing with my own coffee machine :)


Thursday 5 May 2011

... in which I look on the bright side

I went back to work yesterday, having not been at work since April the 8th. Most of my time off was Easter holidays, but some was also surgery recovery.

It was really nice, if a little uncomfortable to drive again, was lovely to see everybody again, and just nice to be back into a routine. I got told off by a few people for being in work when I should be resting. The worst telling off came from our school librarian whose son has the same thing as me, and took 4 years to heal up! Talk about putting the fear up me.

I popped out for my doctors appointment, and then had a lovely afternoon in some of my favourite lessons. However, being in a practical DT lesson with hyper year 8 kids took it's toll on me and I got bumped about a bit.So my lovely (but horrified) boss ordered me to take the rest of the week off.

The plus points of this are that my work peeps are lovely and understanding, which is very important to me, and that I get to hang out with Sierra and Oscar for a few more days. They seem to grow in size and q2qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq0000----------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuu

As if on cue, Oscar just appeared to give his opinion :) he likes my laptop coz it's warm. But like I was saying, they seem to get more personality each day.

I better go, Sierra just joined us! More nonsense may follow if he decides warm himself on my laptop.