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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 25 June 2011

... in which I become betrothed

Happy weekend people.

So yesterday was mine and John's 3 year anniversary. I'd had a strange afternoon at work, and nearly got into an accident on the way home, but I opened the front door to hundreds of lit candles, our song playing and John holding a big bunch of flowers. And whilst I was still cooing over the flowers, he dropped to one knee and popped the question.

I of course said yes, and we spent a happy afternoon on the phone to friends and family to let them know the good news :)

We then hopped in a cab which took us to a restaurant where I had the most beautiful steak I've ever tasted. I'm not a big steak person, but this one was beyond amazing.

Today we went for a lovely lunch, and then let our boys out into the garden for the first time ever. I was a bag of nerves whereas John was of the opinion that they a) are too stupid to go very far* and b) love their house too much to go very far.

It turns out they did a tiny bit of rolling around in the sun before each "catching" a long bit of grass and taking it inside the house to play with. Phew. Enough shenanigans for one day!!

Anyway bbs, I'm off for Chinese food. Ttfn x

*Occasionally we wonder about the intelligence levels of our little kitties. However, it has no impact on how much we love them, in fact, we'd prefer stupid kitties as they're more fun :)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

... in which I am covered in cats

My two little darlings are having one of their "mad half hours" and using me as a climbing frame, ergo writing this blog is a little tricky.

Monday came along after a busy weekend, and brought with it an important meeting in London that I had to get to, and also a confusing tube strike. Luckily, although the strike was confusing, it didn't affect me too much and I ended up being very early. Unfortunately the trains to take me back to work were less cooperative and I arrived back at the school totally shattered and not really in the mood to research zoo animals etc etc.

Luckily by the evening I was in the mood to dance, gossip and eat. Lucky because Monday is now zumba-night with Cat, Manju and Lisa. And zumba is always followed by a slap-up feast and a good natter :)

Tuesday brought with it a similar shattered feeling, but Tuesday is my yoga night! And despite the zumba-ache, I made myself go, and am feeling the benefits today.

Ahh, the babies are asleep on my feet now, so I can type with much more ease!

I'm extra-specially looking forward to Friday this week, because not only does it signal the arrival of a glorious weekend, but it is mine and John's 3 year anniversary. Which is very nice :)

I'm gasping for a cuppa so I'm loving and leaving y'all for now!

Saturday 18 June 2011

.. in which I am naught but lazy

After the last hectic weekend I am enjoying doing absolutely nothing today.

By "nothing" I mean, having kitty-cuddles, watching Friends, playing Plants vs Zombies and eating sweeties. Lush!

I met my uni friends last night for a hilarious catch up. We don't get to see each other very often and I forget just how much fun we have together :) fun last night included stealing a plant that I really really wanted for my house. We named him Boris, and I woke up this morning to find Oscar nibbling him!

Hope you're all having nice weekends bbs x

Thursday 16 June 2011

... in which I squeal a lot

Day 27: a song that makes you happy

It makes me feel Christmassy and warm and fuzzy :)

Day 28: a song that really annoys you

Anything by Chris Brown >.<

Day 29: a random song (just choose one!!)

Love it!

Day 30: Your favourite song (it's probably changes since day 1)

It hasn't changed :)

Right so here's a RL update that is overdue.

On Saturday morning, John and I woke up supah dupah early for a long road trip to the place known as Manchester. And when I say long I mean looooooooong. Three and a half hours long. Three and a half hours full of Take That albums long.

But that was the good part of the long... we arrived, checked in to our hotel and were straight out again to the City of Manchester stadium, which is actually a really nice ground.

So there we are, great seats, great view, hot dog, cup of tea. And then! Pet Shop Boys were out, singing awesome songs and generally being awesome. That was all very good fun.

And finally... Take bloody That!! My little inner fangirl died and went to man-band heaven. They were just stunning. The show was amazing, songs were fantastic, banter was funny. I couldn't fault a single thing. It made all the driving so worth it :) I'm still buzzing from it even now.

In keeping with the Take That theme, their song "Love Love" is on the soundtrack of the new X-Men film - WHICH IS AWESOME!!

John and I went to see it the weekend before last. I wasn't too excited beforehand about seeing it to be totally honest but I really enjoyed it from start to finish and I'm looking forward to watching it again.

This week I've done running, zumba and yoga, and also eaten my own bodyweight in food so I'm not feeling as healthy as I'd like. However, I went to the hospital today for an abscess check up, where they were very pleased with how it's healed. So I'm rather chuffed with that.

I've finished my 30 day song challenge (in slightly more than 30 days) so hopefully I can keep on top of the RL updates a little more now.

Ttfn bbs.

Friday 10 June 2011

... in which I zzzzzz

Day 26: a song beginning with the word 'you'

For the second day in a row, my cats ate my sandwich while my back was turned :-/

I am so tired it's ridiculous, I'm high off coffee just to keep myself awake right now.

John is currently buying Duran Duran tickets :) yea boi.

Thursday 9 June 2011

... in which I am grateful

Day 25: a song beginning with the same letter as your last name

What a tune :) once, when working at Costa, Suzy and I managed to get about 5 of us dance across the kitchen Prince-Charming stylee. It was epic!

I planted peppers, tomatoes and radishes in my year 9 lesson today. We're ;earning about WWII and this was our section on rationing. It makes me want a veggie patch! Mind you, the cats would totes destroy something like that.

This morning, Oscar (who can now get onto kitchen counters) knocked over my baby sunflowers onto the kitchen floor. Whilst I was cleaning it up, I foolishly left my packed lunch out on the sofa, and by the time I had cleaned up the dirt mess in the kitchen, my sandwich had been unwrapped and nibbled by naughty cats.

Such is life :)

TTFN bbs.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

... in which I feel on top of things

Day 24: a song beginning with the same letter as your first name

Good times!


Tuesday 7 June 2011

... in which I feel lucky

Day 21: the first song on your favourite album

Day 22: the last song on your favourite album

Day 23: a song by someone you hate

I don't actually hate Cheryl, in fact I used to think she was fab. I've just really, really gone off her recently. I still like this song though :)

In RL news.... Duran Duran have announced a tour date in Cyprus - and I'm there!! So lucky, and I'm so excited :D

Saturday 4 June 2011

... in which I think about a different career

Day 20: your BFF's favourite song

Yea :)

Watched X-Men First Class tonight. It was amazing! I want to be an X-Man.

Friday 3 June 2011

... in which I feel nostalgic

Day 19: a song from your favourite film

Yea boi. I think I'ma go watch this now :)

Thursday 2 June 2011

... in which I go marching on

Day 17: The song you want to/ had your first dance to at your wedding

Day 18: a song you want played at your funeral

This one will probably change...

I ache so much today, I did my first zumba class last night. I loved it! But ohhhh, the ache.

I can't type much more, kitties are asleep on me, one on my arm :)