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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Wednesday 22 June 2011

... in which I am covered in cats

My two little darlings are having one of their "mad half hours" and using me as a climbing frame, ergo writing this blog is a little tricky.

Monday came along after a busy weekend, and brought with it an important meeting in London that I had to get to, and also a confusing tube strike. Luckily, although the strike was confusing, it didn't affect me too much and I ended up being very early. Unfortunately the trains to take me back to work were less cooperative and I arrived back at the school totally shattered and not really in the mood to research zoo animals etc etc.

Luckily by the evening I was in the mood to dance, gossip and eat. Lucky because Monday is now zumba-night with Cat, Manju and Lisa. And zumba is always followed by a slap-up feast and a good natter :)

Tuesday brought with it a similar shattered feeling, but Tuesday is my yoga night! And despite the zumba-ache, I made myself go, and am feeling the benefits today.

Ahh, the babies are asleep on my feet now, so I can type with much more ease!

I'm extra-specially looking forward to Friday this week, because not only does it signal the arrival of a glorious weekend, but it is mine and John's 3 year anniversary. Which is very nice :)

I'm gasping for a cuppa so I'm loving and leaving y'all for now!

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