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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 16 June 2011

... in which I squeal a lot

Day 27: a song that makes you happy

It makes me feel Christmassy and warm and fuzzy :)

Day 28: a song that really annoys you

Anything by Chris Brown >.<

Day 29: a random song (just choose one!!)

Love it!

Day 30: Your favourite song (it's probably changes since day 1)

It hasn't changed :)

Right so here's a RL update that is overdue.

On Saturday morning, John and I woke up supah dupah early for a long road trip to the place known as Manchester. And when I say long I mean looooooooong. Three and a half hours long. Three and a half hours full of Take That albums long.

But that was the good part of the long... we arrived, checked in to our hotel and were straight out again to the City of Manchester stadium, which is actually a really nice ground.

So there we are, great seats, great view, hot dog, cup of tea. And then! Pet Shop Boys were out, singing awesome songs and generally being awesome. That was all very good fun.

And finally... Take bloody That!! My little inner fangirl died and went to man-band heaven. They were just stunning. The show was amazing, songs were fantastic, banter was funny. I couldn't fault a single thing. It made all the driving so worth it :) I'm still buzzing from it even now.

In keeping with the Take That theme, their song "Love Love" is on the soundtrack of the new X-Men film - WHICH IS AWESOME!!

John and I went to see it the weekend before last. I wasn't too excited beforehand about seeing it to be totally honest but I really enjoyed it from start to finish and I'm looking forward to watching it again.

This week I've done running, zumba and yoga, and also eaten my own bodyweight in food so I'm not feeling as healthy as I'd like. However, I went to the hospital today for an abscess check up, where they were very pleased with how it's healed. So I'm rather chuffed with that.

I've finished my 30 day song challenge (in slightly more than 30 days) so hopefully I can keep on top of the RL updates a little more now.

Ttfn bbs.

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