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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 9 June 2011

... in which I am grateful

Day 25: a song beginning with the same letter as your last name

What a tune :) once, when working at Costa, Suzy and I managed to get about 5 of us dance across the kitchen Prince-Charming stylee. It was epic!

I planted peppers, tomatoes and radishes in my year 9 lesson today. We're ;earning about WWII and this was our section on rationing. It makes me want a veggie patch! Mind you, the cats would totes destroy something like that.

This morning, Oscar (who can now get onto kitchen counters) knocked over my baby sunflowers onto the kitchen floor. Whilst I was cleaning it up, I foolishly left my packed lunch out on the sofa, and by the time I had cleaned up the dirt mess in the kitchen, my sandwich had been unwrapped and nibbled by naughty cats.

Such is life :)

TTFN bbs.

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