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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 25 June 2011

... in which I become betrothed

Happy weekend people.

So yesterday was mine and John's 3 year anniversary. I'd had a strange afternoon at work, and nearly got into an accident on the way home, but I opened the front door to hundreds of lit candles, our song playing and John holding a big bunch of flowers. And whilst I was still cooing over the flowers, he dropped to one knee and popped the question.

I of course said yes, and we spent a happy afternoon on the phone to friends and family to let them know the good news :)

We then hopped in a cab which took us to a restaurant where I had the most beautiful steak I've ever tasted. I'm not a big steak person, but this one was beyond amazing.

Today we went for a lovely lunch, and then let our boys out into the garden for the first time ever. I was a bag of nerves whereas John was of the opinion that they a) are too stupid to go very far* and b) love their house too much to go very far.

It turns out they did a tiny bit of rolling around in the sun before each "catching" a long bit of grass and taking it inside the house to play with. Phew. Enough shenanigans for one day!!

Anyway bbs, I'm off for Chinese food. Ttfn x

*Occasionally we wonder about the intelligence levels of our little kitties. However, it has no impact on how much we love them, in fact, we'd prefer stupid kitties as they're more fun :)

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