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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 3 July 2011

... in which I tell a tale of extreme mopping

Hello bbs.

I feel bad for not blogging more often, but I've been so busy over the last week I've had no time to even scratch my head. But here I am now on a glorious weekend, with a little blogging time on my hands.

Oh, I love weekends :)

Last night, John and I came to the conclusion that our cats definitely have a bit of The Stupid in them. I was in the bathroom cleaning my face and having a conversation with John out in the hallway, when there is an almighty splash from behind me. As I turn round, Sierra leaps out of the toilet and splashes a considerable amount of toilet water over my legs. Nice.

As I'm explaining what happened to John, there is another splash and I catch Oscar flying out of the toilet too, also showering water everywhere. And naturally, both panicked, they ran all over the flat shaking themselves dry.

To summarise then; one cat bogwashed himself, got scared and ran away. The second one, seeing this, thinks "that looks like a good idea" and also bogwashes himself. He also got scared in the process and joined his brother in racing round the flat shaking bog water off himself.


Hope you're all having excellent weekends x

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