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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Wednesday 20 July 2011

... in which I breathe out my working week

Oh my, these past couple of weeks have been insane. I must have had a total memory lapse because I don't remember this time last year being so hectic... ergo I was expecting a relaxing last week at work which involved a lot of winding down.


With Arts Festivals, dance workshops, theatre trips, humanities days, retirement parties, interviews, birthday parties etc etc, I've hardly had time to scratch my head.

But anyway, our long-awaited last day of term swung by yesterday. It didn't feel like the summer holidays were upon us until we'd all settled ourselves down at the pub. A very surreal few days.

And so today is the first day of my summer holidays, and so far I haven't been productive at all, so everything is going to plan! I plan to do an epic food shop later and clean up the constant mess the cats are making.

Plus, a holiday to Cyprus looms, not to mention wedding plans that need to be made. Both of these things involve making lists, which (perhaps sadly) I'm looking forward to making :)

Am off to the cinema tonight with Cat, Lisa and Manju to see Bridesmaids, although shamefully, I haven't seen Harry Potter yet. That comes with the weekend....

TTFFN bbs xxx

1 comment:

  1. hi! nice the meet you
    i like movie!
    "pirate of caribbean"
