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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 26 July 2011

... in which the excitement mounts

I have a list about a mile long of things I need to be doing right now, in preparation for holiday. So blogging is the way to go, obviously :)

I'm starting to feel devastated about leaving Sierra and Oscar. They literally get lovelier every day, and 10 days is a long time to not see them. They are in good hands though. John's sister and her boyfriend will be moving in to house-sit and look after the buggers; so essentially they have a paramedic and a police officer keeping them company. They'll be fine.

This time tomorrow John and I will be chilling (!) at the airport, Cyprus will be beckoning. I'm so bloody excited, hence to totally incoherent blog. Yay!

I leave you with this question... do you believe that it's good to keep your friends close and enemies closer?

Ttfn bbs, take care and stuff :)

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