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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 21 July 2011

... in which I am overwhelmed by kitty wisdom

Oi oi!

So I'm now in Day 2 of my summer holidays and I'm having a washing day. This sounds boring, but (perhaps sadly) I'm enjoying it. I've got a little production line going on1,222222222222q

Excuse Sierra, he felt he needed to make a contribution :) what I was saying was that I get tonnes of clean, nice-smelling clothes out at the end of my production line. It feels good to be productive.

Bloody hell, it's hard to blog with cats climbing all over you. But they purr when they come near me which makes me feel guilty when I have to put them back on the floor. It's a very clever cat-ploy.

I went to see Bridesmaids last night with Cat and Lisa; it was absolutely hilarious. Definitely worth getting on DVD when it comes out. And afterwards we went for a scrummy Pizza Express dinner.

My oven timer has just gone off; I set it to remind me to spin my washing, but Sierra who was imitating a parrot up on my shoulder at the time, shot into the kitchen and waited by the oven door. He's got wise to the fact that oven time = nice-smelling food appearing.

Is it time for lunch yet? I feel like it might be time for lunch.

Au revoir bbs

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