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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 3 February 2009

...in which I become a bit attached to my laptop

Hello February (spelt that wrong 3 times before getting it right...).

Today should have been day 4 of 9 working days in a row (urgh) but instead it's the second snow day in a row I'm enjoying. So here I am inbetween games of Theme Hospital, World of Goo and Crayon Physics, listening to Lady Gaga's album and enjoying it a lot, planning a nice sandwich for lunch and looking forward to a night out with my Costa Ruislip buddies later for Suzy's leaving do.

I'm a little bit bored, and a little bit ARGH at missing out on two days of pay. But thats how it goes.

I downloaded a trial of World of Warcraft to try playing later and I'm also relying on my brother to either find me our copy of Myst or download me a new copy. Not really holding my breath for either though since he's just left the house.

In fish news... I have four of them now. Sheldon, Jareth, Ruby and Shacklebolt (named by John). They're far more entertaining that I expected, which is nice. I now have 6 pets in my room when you include my two gobby budgies. Tis nice.

Lady Gaga's album has finished and now MGMT are playing. I also like them a lot.

Do I want to do a Masters or a PhD? Answers on a postcard please :)

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