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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 12 February 2009

...in which I ponder the joys of pet ownership

Oh my God, my fish are giving me a fucking complex. Two of the four of them died within 4 days of eachother so I'm watching the remaining two like a hawk.

They, realising this, think it's hilarious to hide behind things, or float around near the top of the water. Buggers. Everytime I look over at least one of them is missing from view, which causes utterances of "oh shit" and desperate scramblings over to the tank to locate the missing one, only to be met by fishy giggles.

My budgies on the other hand were being mostly well-behaved today so I rewarded them with a big chunk of cucumber each. Poppy (the nutjob of the two of them) has responded to my kind gesture by ripping off little pieces of cucumber and flinging them as far as she can maanage. It looks like my wall has bogies on.


In other news I've been trying desperately to write a personal statement for my PhD application. It's hurting my brain so bad.

To top it off, when I logged onto facebook earlier I found a picture on my newsfeed that got to me. When I went for my interview at Oxford Aviation Academy I was one of a group of about 8 and have kept in touch with a few of them. This picture was of one of the guys from my group in full Oxford uniform, next to an Oxford plane. He's started his training.

I gave up that career path for good reasons, but at the time I went for my interveiw I wanted it so badly that I almost imploded. I'm happy for James that he got in and is about to begin all that excitement, but I'm also a bit jealous, and the fact that I don't have a solid plan yet makes me a bit angsty.

In better news I went shopping today and bought awesome stuff.

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