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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Wednesday 15 April 2009

...in which I appreciate people

It's Pan's last day at work today, this is well sad. She was the one who interviewed me for my job and looked after me on my first day.

We all went out for her leaving do last night and it's her last shift today so me and Suzy paid her a visit and gave her loads of presents. My work is a great place to be when you're not actually working.

Me and Suzy stole sandwiches and then sat down to reminisce and put together a lil photo album for Pan.

Then I walked home from Ruislip in the sun. I hope I have some sort of tan now, that would be lovely.

*le sigh*

Last night made me love my colleagues even more than I did before. They're such an awesome bunch of people.

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