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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Sunday 5 April 2009

...in which I decide which Friends character is my favourite

Also known as "The One Where I Decide Who My Favourite Friends Character Is".


As an English peoploid I wonder whether to pronounce it "Charndler" or "Chahndler". Not important.

I'm hilariously tired, maybe a bit delirious.

All pets are present and correct right now, and I've even been blessed with the presence of my cat this week. Is nice. I really want my own cat plz. For belly rubbing and ear scratching.

Was at work today, being made tired and having my soul destroyed. But I was paid a nice visit by Suzy Stardust and we had what I think was our first meeting ever that didn't involve a conversation about King David Bowie (since we discovered we share the love). An epic first. But then my feelings were hurt a bit when she was unceremoniously ushered out of the store. Lame.

Today I feel something akin to dislike towards Starbucks.


Um... what else?

I broke lent on Thursday when I went to Gordon Ramsay at Claridges with some rather delicious veal. As someone with a (self-diagnosed, k?) oral fixation I was pretty much in heaven all night. The food was absolutely the best I've ever tasted. Kudos to the man. It was my first time eating lobster too, and I liked it. It tastes like big!prawn.

I'm veering towards being skint again. This means being stingy for the next couple of weeks. It night mean walking to places instead of driving *sob*.

Speaking of money... sort of. I want to buy a poncho. Not a rain-type one, but a soft wooly one for the purpose of feeling snuggly. I can't find one on ASOS, sad times.

Ok, that's ya lot. I'm in bed and there is rubbish TV to be watched. G'night x

1 comment:

  1. I've got a great time-consuming device for when you're skint - I call it World of Warcraft. Some people call it Life version 1.5.
    And if you ever get sick of hacking creatures to bits with your warrior go for the warlock class... They're like dark magic wizards who have a pet.

    Also poncho's rock...why? you ask. becuase the 'off-the-body' design means you can hide a reasonably sized submachine gun underneath. Perfect when sneaking across the border.
