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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 11 April 2009

...in which I write a blog about blogs

I've been better at updating my LiveJournal recently and in the four days off that I just enjoyed I got to flicking back through my past entries.

It was all a little bit fascinating until we hit some angst. Oh my God. But one of my entries cracked me up a little... you must bear in mind I was going through the most hideous break up in history, my dad was on my case about "not doing enough uni work" and I was not getting along with mon petite frere at all.

"Ugh, I gotta go to work now. Sucks. But I get to work with Jack which is cool coz we have a lot of stupid fun. It's a shame he's leaving soon coz at the moment he's the only male I spend time with who doesn't make me want to smash things."

And even though he left work and I left work twice we're still working together o.O and the fun just gets continually more stupid. I wish he was my cool older brother.. even though he's younger than me. I've already adopted myself a couple of sisters from that place... why not a brother too?

I'm the only person I know who doesn't have a sister. Except my mum. But she might have a step-sister. I should check this out. I'd really like a sister.

Oooh, dare I say it. Work is ok right now. I'm really enjoying not working at the college right now. Many many things about working at Costa get on my nerves but my team are so much love.

BUT OH EM GEE. More importantly, lent end tomorrow, what with it being Easter and all, and I can finally eat meat again. I'm gonna have a burger :]

And I get to spend two days with John, my favourite of all hooman beings.

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