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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 7 April 2009

...in which there is coffee moronicity

Stuff to do; (in no particular order)

Move out
Clean fishtank
Watch "Christine"
Read more
Write a letter
Not buy shoes
Win the lottery
Change my LJ icons

My head feels not good. It feel like I've been surviving on like 2 hours sleep a night for the past week. This isn't the case though so I'm not sure what to do. Might just drink some more tea and hope it goes away.

Oh noes. It's just occurred to me that it might be a caffeine deficiency. Like, I drink the stuff when I'm at work so maybe now I'm not at work I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

It'll be like an experiment then. I'd planned to go into work today anyway. I had things to buy from the high street and I wanted to go and high five Jack and have a caramel latte. If the headache goes after I've had a latte I shall worry.


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