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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Monday 27 April 2009

...in which I'm not sure I'm using the best possible writing style

Thursday; whilst on the North Circular (which is a scary road btw) I got into a dispute with a bus and lost my wing mirror as a result. But was a brave little soul and continued my journey to Chingford without it and then valiantly made the journey home... still without it. I missed it, and cried a little bit.

Friday; began work at 6.30 am. Which is always a joy. Had a bad morning at work generally, made better by the fact that my mum had run off with my car to get the wing mirror fixed. Got home at 12, finished packing for Brighton, created an accidental gash in my knee that didn't stop bleeding until about halfway through the journey to Brighton. Good so far. But me, John and Baby (the car) ended up in Brighton still in one piece. And the sun was out. Had a lovely chilled afternoon/evening with John and fell asleep watching Friends.

Saturday; woke up to sun, huzzah! Went for a lovely fry-up, hit the beach a little, did some more relaxing and then joined my cousin and her mates for birthday celebrations in bars and clubs and stuff. Re-opened the gash in my knee and ended the night by hobbling back to our hotel room to fall asleep to Pokemon movies. Epic win.

Sunday; we waited about an hour in the sun for burgers, which, like I just mentioned, took an hour to get to us, but were very nice when they arrived. Took a stroll on the beach, bought some David Bowie LPs and refrained from buying a little person's Bowie t-shirt for the baby I'm not planning on having for a good few years yet. Headed home in the sun, even though we wanted to stay, and stopped off in Rickmansworth from drinkies before arriving home and ending our lovely trip.

Today is Monday.

Back to work.

I hate work.

But I loved my weekend.

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