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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Thursday 9 September 2010

...in which I am a bit behind on the updates

Ugh, it's almost a week since my last entry. I blame the fact that I've been at work, rather than sitting on my botty watching Jeremy Kyle.

But anyway; I got my car back :) :) :)

It was so nice to drive her again! Now I can zip about and fit through small spaces and know exactly when I need to brake, aaaaah. My car is awesome, I'm so lucky.

Work has been hard but rewarding in it's usual way. We've been really short staffed, so everyone has had to pull together and work things out. But we're getting there. I get my timetable soon and I'll feel more settled when I do.

Also.... good stuff is happening at work. I can't say much because I don't know much, but I have a meeting next week to figure stuff out. Citing!

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