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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Tuesday 28 September 2010

... in which the streak ends


Last week felt like the longest week in a long time... similarly, September feels like it's been here for an age. And it's not over yet!

So I have some bug thing that makes me feel like I'm hungry, and then makes me feel sick and sore when I do eat. Do not want. I want to eat pizza.

John, Leigh, Alice and I went to watch Chelsea vs Newcastle last week. It didn't end well for us, which threw me because I'd never been to a match that Chelsea didn't win. I was starting to consider myself their lucky charm. But it was a great game, despite the score. Very exciting!

My weekends was full of plans that nearly all fell through, but I still had a nice time chilling out with John. This weekend brings more fun stuff, including Nas being home again from uni. So yay!

I'm really struggling with that to buy my parents for their silver wedding anniversary. All the gifts I've looked at so far are boring. My dad is a very tricky man to buy presents for, which I think is why it's so tricky.

And once I get their anniversary sorted, I'll have to start thinking about his birthday present, haha. He really needs to get more hobbies - hobbies that I can buy accessories for!

I'm gonna go and tackle the washing up now, and start my ponderings about dinner. Chelsea play again tonight so I'm eagerly anticipating a nice win from them :)


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