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A Peoploid from a mountain called Freecloud

Saturday 11 September 2010

... in which I got the love!

I had such a fun day yesterday after I left work. I ran (drove) to my old place of work... Costa Ruislip.

The newly refurbished Costa Ruilip, akshully. But that's not the important bit. The important bit is that Suzy and Alyssa were there waiting for me on new squishy sofas. And so was Jack, but he was actually working :)

So we drank coffee and nommed the nice food and had a catch up. And we phoned Hayley because she should have been there but wasn't. So we phoned her to forgive her.

Then! Sarah turned up. Sarah moved from Ruislip to Lincolnshire about a year ago and we hadn't seen her since, but in some weird twist of fate she was back in the area to pick up a laptop from being repaired. So that was a strange but nice coincidence.

And Nicky was there too. It was like a big AWESOME reunion :)

When Jack finished work the four of us bundled into my (tiny but clean clean clean) car and we went to Moons to eat chips and have a drink and laugh more about when we used to be hungover or drunk at work - back in our crazy young days!

And then sadly we all had to go our separate ways. Which made me sad, cause I love them so much, but we'll do it again soon, so there is less sad than there otherwise would be.

Today I am going to the cinema with Johnboy, Leigh and Alice to see the Scott Pilgrim one that I'm mildy curious about and John is desperate to see. It'll be interesting.

In the evening we'll be going to Moons. Haha, I love that place.

Have a good weekend!

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